ASCA=Ambulatory Surgery Centre Association has informed us of the milestone in a country where they do in excess of 9% of all surgical procedures in this setting!
The American Association for Ambulatory Surgery Centers (AAASC) was incorporated in 1978 and the International Association for Ambulatory Surgery (IAAS) was formed during the First International Congress on Ambulatory Surgery in Brussels in 1995.
ASCA has been headed extremely well by ASCA CEO Bill Prentice,an inspiring Attorney from Washington, Day Hospitals Australia conference keynote speaker in Adelaide in 2019. He outlined many achievements and industry support and progress with around 35 years of operation and working in collaboration with SAMBA (Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia)helping as well.
The message for us was clear in response to my question about where we sit in Australia:
"Keep Going"
"Keep knocking on doors and growing the out of hospital sector which is clearly needed in Australia"